Yahoo! Groups : JyotishGroup Messages : Message 4913 of 4942
Bhava and Pada: Why those names?
The houses are called "bhavas" in Sanskrita and arudha padas are also called "padas" in short. Why those names? What is the link?
Just think for a minute!
The word "pada" means many things. One of the meanings is "word".
The word "bhava" means many things. One of the meanings is "meaning or purport". Another meaning is "feeling".
What is the link between word and meaning? To borrow the terminology I used regarding houses and arudha padas, "word" is a tangible and "meaning" (which can be a feeling or thought that the word is intended to represent) is an intangible. Let me elaborate.
We may want to express a concept or idea or thought or feeling. That is the "bhava". Actually, bhava comes from the dhaatu bhoo, which means "to be" or "to exist". The most basic meaning of bhava is "one that exists". The idea or concept or thought or feeling we want to express is an intangible and it exists within us. We find a word to express it and then it becomes tangible and manifests in such a way that the world can perceive it. The word or the tangible manifestation is the "pada".
Without the words, the world cannot perceive our feelings.
Just as words (padas) are the manifestation of feelings or thoughts or some intnded meanings (bhavas), arudha padas are the
manifestations of the matters shown by bhavas. Only they can be perceived by the world.
Recall what I said - houses show the unmanifested truth or the potentiality. It is intangible and internal (just as feelings are). Padas are the manifestation and are tangible (just as words representing feelings are).
Thus, the meanings of the two words chosen by maharshis (bhava and pada) fit with the arudha pada usage theory taught by Sanjay ji.
May Jupiter's light shine on us,