Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The 18 Chapters of the Gita

From: Swee Chan <>
Date: Oct 26, 2005 3:42 AM
Subject: The 18 Chapters of the Gita
To: SJCA <>,

Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Lists,


According to Padma Purāëa, Chapters 175 - 192 Section VI Uttarakhaëòa.

The Païca Mukhi are the 5 Chapters of the Gitā in order.

The next 10 Chapters are the Arms

Chapter 16 is the Belly and,

The remaining 2 Chapters i.e., Chapter 17 and 18 are His Lotus Feet.

The Pünya to be received from reading each Chapter are listed as below:

Chapter 1:     Due to the recitation or memorizing it or if one studies it, the ocean of mundane existence is not difficult to cross.

Chapter 2:     It is the concluding limit of Penance

Chapter 3:     Releasing all others in the family (who have gone to Hell).

Chapter 4:     Removing a Curse from a Sage

Chapter 5:     Ability to go to the desired worlds in rebirth

Chapter 6:     Salvation (Goes to Viñëu's position)

Chapter 7:     To remove rebirth of one's father who has taken the form of a snake

Chapter 8:     To release ancestors from Ghosthood

Chapter 9:     To overcome calamities caused by accepting "bad" gifts

Chapter 10:   To obtain the fruits of all stages of (human) life

Chapter 11:   To obtain final bliss

Chapter 12:   To regain consciousness or to regain life; To obtain great salvation

Chapter 13:   To free oneself from the body of a candela

Chapter 14:   To obtain liberation from a hare's (body) and reach vaikuntha

Chapter 15:   To obtain salvation

Chapter 16:   To obtain Divine Power and escape from an elephant's stampede?

Chapter 17:   To end the death inflicting fever; the person evades hellish conditions by obtaining instant heavenly abode

Chapter 18:   To secure "union" with Viñëu

Corrections are welcome!



Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"Parashari system" - hmm..define it! - Contd...

I am not certain if anyone has really carried out a serious trial to
see if "Jaimini" and 'Parashari' principles (as some individuals like
to categorize those) work together or not. Assuming (and that is a
BIG assumption) that the two are somehow separate (I do not believe
that at all) and that Jaimini did not describe or recommend
Vimshottari dasha (assuming that Updesha Sutra forms the boundaries
of Jaimini system), then it is safe to assume that the charakarakas
and vimshottari dasha are from different systems. Mr. KN Rao's
student Supriya Jagdeesh (hope I am getting the name right) has
published a work in a research anthology on the use of charakaraa and
vimshottari in predicting marriage.

I do not read a lot of journals and magazines these days so there
might have been other publications on the use of factors that fall in
similar *perceived* duality of Parashari/Jaimini!

This is afterall a bipolar universe!


--- In, Bharat Hindu Astrology
hinduastrology wrote:
Namaskaar Sri Vinay

It isn't my definition. I am only clarifying how many are viewing
Frankly, I do not know if the two systems are same or not. I am more
concerned about their usage. If you see, my responses are on their
usage and
I am yet to see a single reply regarding their combined or
separated usage.

Thanks and Regards

Dear Ranjan and Bharat,

You can find many illustrations of applying an integrated approach in which the so-called Parasari and Jaimini systems are combined into one integrated approach.

If you see my book "Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach" or my free mp3 lessons on the internet (see the link below) or several works coming from the "Sri Jagannatha Centre" stable, you will see many illustrations. We are very happy with the integrated approach. To us, the integrated approach is nothing but the real "Parasari system", if you define it based on the available works of Parasara.

To me, houses and arudha padas exist always. Bhava means a concept or thought. Pada means a word or a symbol. Arudha padas are to houses what padas is to bhavas, i.e. what words or to the meanings/concepts they represent. Thoughts are intangible, while words that attempt to represent them are their tangible expressions/manifestations. You cannot see the thoughts in my mind, but you can hear the words that come out of my mouth (or my fingers). Similarly, houses show intangibles and their arudha padas show the the tangible
expressions/manifestations. One's happiness from vehicle (4th house) is intangible, while one's vehicle itself is a tangible (arudha pada of 4th house).

We see arudha padas always, when looking at tangible things. We see houses when looking at the intangibles under them.

Let us look at one example to illustrate our approach, as Bharat was more concerned with practical usage rather than theoretical debates.

Rajiv Gandhi (1944 Aug 20, 7:12 IST, 72e49, 18n58)

He has a very strong Sun in lagna and hence Shashtihayani dasa applies. His mother was assassinated in Sun's shashtihayani dasa and Rahu's Vimsottari dasa.

From the 4th house from lagna/Moon in rasi, Sun is the 10th lord in 10th and not a maraka. Rahu is the 4th lord in 9th and not a maraka either.

In Dwadasamsa (D-12, the chart recommended by Parasara to see parents), Sun is the 5th lord in 6th from the 4th house of mother. Rahu is the 11th lord in 5th. Neither is a maraka. From the 4th house from Moon, Sun is the 4th lord in 5th and Rahu is the 10th lord in 4th. Again, neither is a maraka.

Now, switch to arudhas, because we are talking about tangibles. Mother's love/caring is an intangible, but mother's body and physical life are tanglibles. So to see Indira Gandhi's death, arudha of the 4th house (A4) is more appropriate than 4th house. Take matripada or A4 (mother) in D-12 (chart of parents). From A4, Rahu is in 7th and Sun is the 7th lord in 8th with 3rd lord Mars. Parasara clearly mentioned malefics in 7th and 7th lord as marakas. Thus, both Sun and Rahu are clear marakas. That is why Rahu's Vimsottari dasa and Sun's Shashtihayani dasa killed mother.

We look at the houses when seeing intangibles. We look at the arudha padas of houses when seeing tangible manifestations. Similarly, we have clear distinctions between various parameters and do not indiscriminately mix them up. If the concern of some people is that the presence of multiple parameters enables indiscriminate usage, it is a valid concern. But, we do not advocate such indiscriminate use. We advocate that each parameter has a unique meaning and use. We have some insights coming in tradition and we are trying to refine
the understanding. I believe that we are going in the right direction. If others take a different approach, I can understand it. But, I cannot understand why some people insist that Parashari system is different from Jaimini system, without even caring to define exactly what Parashari system is, what parameters it includes and WHY. They are defining Parasari system based on their wishes and not based on what Parasara actually taught. That's quite irresponsible and arbitrary.

Those who are interested in understanding how arudha padas, argalas, chara karakas, sign aspects etc fit with the rest of the teachings of Parasara and how they are used, please feel free to listen to my free MP3 lessons.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Hello Group,

I have seen the books written by some of the new
writers in astrology you will find them mixing Jaimini
Astrology and Parashari astrology at various places to
explain things on charts that suit their ideas and
even by citing incorrect charts.

Lets stay clear of all this and try and concentrate on
the basic principles of the two systems. If you are
looking at Jaimini use the Karakas and rashi aspects
and dasha and things which are integral to Jaimini
astrology but kindly dont explain it away where you
cant do it by bringing in aspects of Parashari.

with regards,


Dear Manoj ji,

I am willing to give the benefit of doubt to your view and consider it.

But I wish you could clarify for me what is the definition of "Parashari astrology" and how we decide what is part of it and what is not!!

Is it based on the BPHS that is available today (which seems like an amazing and brilliant work irrespective of who wrote/compiled it and when)?

If not, what is the basis or source for deciding what is part of "Parashari astrology" and what is not?

I asked this simple and natural question and nobody answered it. As there seem to be many people with strong views on "Parashari astrology/system", I am hoping that someone would be able to answer this.

Thanks a lot in advance for answering this important question!

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"Parashari system" - hmm..define it!

Dear friends,

We had a nice Jyotish workshop at Boston.

I see a lot of emails on "Parashari vs Jaimini systems". Unfortunately, I have time to neither read those emails nor argue with these gentlemen at great lengths.

I just want to pose a small question to those who are using the term "Parashari system".

The question is simple: What is the definition of "Parashari system" and what parameetrs and techniques does it include?

What I am getting at is: Are chara karakas, arudha padas of house, arudha padas of planets, sign aspects, argalas, chara dasa, sthira dasa, trikona dasa, mandooka dasa, shoola dasa, brahma dasa, drigdasa etc included in the so-called "Parashari system"?

If yes, what really is the difference between basic parameters of the two "systems" in question then?

If not, why not? They are mentioned in the available works of Parashara (BPHS in the form available today). Did Parashara come in your dream and tell you to ignore half the material in his available works?

Whether Parasara lived before or after Jaimini and whether Parasara lived in 5000 BC or 700 AD is irrelevant here. The relevant point is that the available works of Parasara contain all the parameters I mentioned above. If any "system" is attributed to Parasara, it must contain all those parameters.

You define "Parashari system" based on what Parasara taught. If you define "Parashari system" based on what Mantreshwara or Varahamihira taught, it would be a misuse of Parasara's name! Kindly give it another name!

My intention is not to win a debate here. With the time I get to spend on this, I cannot. If I can influence a handful of talented youngsters to overcome this sadly popular notion, my job is done. IMHO, this non-existent distinction between the two "systems" is a hindrance to fully understanding the teachings of either of the two Sages!

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

>>Whether Parasara lived before or after Jaimini and whether Parasara
lived in 5000 BC or 700 AD is irrelevant here.<<

If we completely ignore historical facts and rely merely on our personal religious beliefs, then we will get chronology of hindu astrological methods all wrong, and any serious and sound debate about these astrological methods soon becomes futile. This is why the question if "Parasara lived before or after Jaimini and whether Parasara lived in 5000 BC or 700 AD" is highly relevant both here and in so many other connections.


Dear Finn,

I am afraid you missed the point.

This is not about "personal religious beliefs". This is about WHAT Parasara - whoever he was and whenever he lived - TAUGHT.

When you attribute a "system" to his name, make sure that you are including all the basic parameters HE taught.

What people are doing is to define a "Parasari system" in which half of Parasara's available teachings are conveniently omitted, so that they can be included in the so-called "Jaimini system".

Define "Parashari system" based on what Parasara taught and NOT based on what Mantreshwara or Varahamihira taught.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> How can anyone define what Parashara taught, when the real and
> genuine Parasara Hora has been lost for so many centuries? All
that is
> left is a few quotation in Varahamihiras "Brihat Jataka", nothing
> Hopefully it will show up some day.
> BPHS is not an original work, but merely a compilation of
> astrological material from different sources collected somewhere
> 800-1600 AD and presented in the name of Parasara, thereby
> peoples religious faith and make them believe BPHS was the biggest
> foremost authority on hindu astrology. This was a very smart thing
> do, and it obviously worked, even upto today...
> Finn

To keep the argument simple, let me accept this for a moment. Let us say that the "original" Sage Parasara did not teach all these things and a newer Parasara "compiled" whatever was available and put together BPHS.

You say that the teachings of the "original" Parasara were lost. Then how can you define a "Parashari system" based on his teachings? How do you know exactly what parameters were included in his teachings, given that you believe that his teachings are lost? Are you simply going by your beliefs and wishes to come up with what should constitute "Parasari system"?

When we only have the teachings (or "compilations") of the latter Parasara - however manipulating and conspiratory he might have been as you accuse above - it is natural to define "Parashari system" based on them! Any other definition of "Parashari system" has no basis.

Your view amounts to saying "BPHS is a fake propaganda work and not the work of the real Parasara. I don't know what exactly real Parasara taught. But it does not include arudha padas, chara dasa etc that were taught by Jaimini." I can then ask "how do you know that".

Now, on a different note, BPHS includes a lot of complex knowledge NOT found in ANY other classic. I find it hard to believe that it was merely a "compilation" and not the teachings of a maharshi.

* * *

> Dear Group,
> Can anyone define what is God? Can anyone define why
> the supernatural phenomenon exists? Can anyone define
> his own destiny? Can anyone define his own family? Can
> anyone define his/her friends, brothers/sisters and et
> al.
> Then why the need to define Parashara or Jaimini or
> Garga or their Samhitas or later Samhitas or Horas.

Dear Sir, I asked for the definition when people started throwing around the term "Parashari system" and saying that it was incompatible with "Jaimini system". When one says that, it is but
natural to question the definitions of the two systems and the basis for the definition.

If one says that arudha padas are used only in "Jaimini system" and not in "Parashari system", they better know exactly what constitutes "Parashari system" and why.

If one does not know what exactly Parasara taught, one should stop throwing around the term "Parashari system".

> My
> humble request is that lets stick to what we have,
> (considering ourselves lucky) and try to learn to use
> it.

Fair enough. What we have is BPHS attributed to Parasara. It includes arudha padas, sign aspects, chara dasa, sthira dasa, argalas etc. Shall we then agree to not omit them from "Parasari system" and just study them as a part of Parasara's available teachings and figure out how to use them along with the other techniques of BPHS such as nakshatra dasas?!

* * *

> Narasimha,
> In BPHS, there are many references to earlier rishis and higher
> beings (all the way up to Brahma) by name. Parashara certainly was
> not shy about giving credit where it was due in his BPHS. I fail
> understand why he would not acknowledge Jaimini if indeed
> got the 'system' from some earlier Rishi Jaimini! Simply does not
> make sense.
> Ergo, whatever frail or nonexistent **historical** references that
> have been waved during the last one or two decades can be
> dismissed until they demonstrate otherwise with documented
> which will have to be examined and accepted by experts in history.
> And hopefully those would not be self-proclaimed experts!!
> RR

I completely agree with what you wrote. I am trying to keep the argument simple and hence temporarily agreeing with some things that I would normally reject outright.

The funny thing is that these gentlemen still have no coherent answers. They claim that BPHS is put together by a fake Parasara (a huge claim...let us accept it for a moment). They are hell-bent on having a "Parasari system" (perhaps so that they can differentiate it from "Jaimini system"). They don't want to define it based on BPHS, as it is compiled by a fake Parasara. They can't define it based on the teachings of the original Parasara as well, as they claim that his teachings are lost. Still, they insist that there IS a "Parasari system", that it is incompatible with "Jaimini system" and that it does not include arudha padas etc. How do they know??? They simply KNOW it!!

On top of all this, they talk about beliefs, religious beliefs and
what not.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Refer the thread the at the above given link for more details -editor

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Some Future Predictions- Sri Gopalakrishnan.k.b

Date: Oct 11, 2005 8:59 AM
By Sri

hello members,

[... Edited on Request by author...]

1. the sensex will have bull run till indias budha bhukthi gets finished . this is till 10 7 2008 there can be correction over all sensex can reach even 15,000 points and above. new records will be breached many times.

2. jayalalitha will not come back to power in tamil nadu.

3. lallu will lose in bihar.

4. upa will be stable in centre till 2006 sep.

5.roger federer whom i love very much will continue to rule the roostin men tennis with sania misra continue
to climb in atp ladder.

6.suchmmy performance will be far better in the next year circuit.

7. important leaders who are old war horse of indian politics will pass away between 2006 sep -2008 sep. it
can be very well from bjp.

8.important tamil nadu leader will pass away with in next 24 months.

9. iraq sitaution will bring problems to bush.there will be strong support for pull back of troups after 2006 sep . iran will be pushed to the brink. major row will break when saturn and ketu meets in simha.whether it will be full fledged war i will analyse and post in mundane jyotish.

10. dollar will be weaker aganist euro. rupee will get stronger against dollar.

11. india will grow in economy.

12. indian sports men will have better time other than cricket.

13. saurva ganguly will step down before 2006 dec.

14.come back of sachin next year. anand in chess will reach new heights.

15, jayaendra sarawathi case will weaken as time progress he will released from 2009 sep -2011 . .

during next bye poll

congress will lose in kerela.

cpm will shaky lead in bengal and rule it once again.

i have also not gone on details of the techiques because the letter will be too long.

as far my students accusation goes i have choosen to remain silent in public and privately sort the matter
out . personally donot like to let her down in front of any one. i will openly give her the credit for 10000 sensex as her original one.

i will posting in mundane jyotish those who wish to learn dicuss mundane astrology can come there.


'The Ten Things to be Understood'

Understand that outer appearances are unreal because
they are illusion.

Understand that inner mind is empty because it is
devoid of self-entity.

Understand that thoughts are momentary because they
occur due to conditions.

Understand that both your physical body and your voice
are impermanent because they are conditioned.

Understand that the consequences of your actions are
inevitable because all the pleasure and pain of
sentient beings result from karma.

Understand that pain is your spiritual friend because
it is the cause of renunciation.

Understand that pleasure and happiness are the demons
of attachment because they are the roots of samsara.

Understand that many engagements are obstacles for
merit because they hinder spiritual practice.

Understand that enemies and obstructions are your
teachers because obstacles are inspiration for
spiritual practice.

Understand that everything is of equal nature because
all phenomena are ultimately devoid of self-nature.

These were the ten things to understand.

Chara Dasha example

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <>
Date: Oct 11, 2005 12:04 AM
Subject: [JyotishGroup] Re: Chara Dasha example: 4620 message posted again

Namaste friends,

In May-July 1999, I had a public debate on vedic-astrology yahoogroup with Robert Koch, a well-known astrologer from ACVA. Robert Koch was using Sri KN Rao's chara dasa. Normally, most debates are exercises in ego and stubbornness and do not result in anyone changing their mind. But this debate was refreshingly different.

After Robert presented case studies where he thought Sri KN Rao's approach worked better, I presented logic to show why Parasara's method (i.e. with the exaltation/debilitation exception) worked even better. At the end of the debate involving several examples, Robert Koch conceded that Parasara's approach was indeed better! Later, Robert Koch became a student of Pt Sanjay Rath (my guru) and became a Jyotish Guru at Sri Jagannath Centre (my guru's organization).

These days, such open-mindedness and a productive conclusion of a public debate is rare indeed.

*        *        *

Given that Parasara taught Chara dasa too and given that it is very close to the so-called "Jaimini's Chara dasa", it is extremely likely that they both taught the same dasa. Given that Jaimini isn't verbose and uses 3 words to describe what takes 3 verses for Parasara, one will be better off not ignoring Parasara's words. It is relatrively straight-forward to interpret Parasara, but it is easy to misinterpret Jaimini.

Though it may not have come across in my writings, I immensely respect Sri KN Rao. He has maintained spiritual purity and keen intellectual acumen in his illustrious career as an astrology researcher and teacher and he is a great role model for me in several ways.

However, I beg to differ with him on the exaltation/debilitation exception in Chara dasa. I personally find Parasara's chara dasa more accurate than Sri KN Rao's chara dasa (though I will take Jaimini's Narayana dasa (or Padakrama dasa) over the two anyday).

*        *        *

> Old message 4620... for your reference
> Satyaprakashji,
>        Here is an example how I time events without taking an
> extra year for an exalted planet in Chara  dasha.
> K.N.Rao.
> Marriage   Timing
> Jan 26,1972
> Time: 3:09AM  Zone: 5:30  DST: 0
> Chandigarh
> Longitude: 76E46  Latitude: 30N49
>        The first marriage took place in June 1998 seventh house
> and DKN
>        Divorce took place took place in 1999 Mithuna Kumbha.
>        Second marriage took place in Mithuna Dhanu.
>        I get this timing by not giving to Karka dasha one extra
> year of one year.

Now let me explain this with Parasara's chara dasa, i.e. with the exaltation/debilitation exceptions taken into account. You can decide for yourself if the logic is more convincing with Parasara's calculations or less convincing. To replicate my calculations of "Parasara's chara dasa", you can use my free software (link below).

(1) Marriage: It happened in Cancer-Leo antardasa. Cancer contains Ketu and Venus aspects it. More importantly, lord of Cancer -
Moon - is exalted in the 7th house!! In navamsa, lord of Cancer is exalted again and joins DK.

Taking Cancer as lagna (Chara dasa is after all the progression of lagna!), Leo is the 2nd house of family and its lord Sun is in the 7th house. Leo contains dara pada (A7 or 7P) too. In navamsa (chart of marriage), Leo contains arudha lagna, showing a new tangible beginning. No wonder, Leo antardasa in Cancer dasa gave marriage.

(2) Divorce: It happened in Gemini-Capricorn antardasa. Though Gemini is the 8th house, it contains upapada lagna. It can bring changes in life, good and bad. Let us see the antardasa. Taking Gemini as lagna, Capricorn is the 8th house and its lord is in the 12th house. In navamsa, Capricorn contains Mrityu pada (A8 or 8P - death).

In fact, I argue that Mithuna-Makara explains divorce better than Mithuna-Kumbha as you get with Sri KN Rao's method. Kumbha (Aq) contains Venus (7th lord and naisargika karaka for marriage) and is the 9th house from Mithuna (Ge). OTOH, Makara (Cp) is the 8th house.

(3) Re-marriage: It happened in Gemini-Pisces dasa. Pisces is aspected and owned by DK Jupiter. Upapada lagna aspects it. Taking Gemini as lagna, lord of Pisces is in the 7th house (just as in (1) above). In navamsa, exalted Venus (lagna lord) occupies Pisces. The bhagya pada (A9 or 9P) and sukha pada (A4 or 4P) are also there indicating fortune and happiness in marital matters.

*        *        *

It is very easy to take positions and claim that X works fine and Y does not. However, I wonder how many people sincerely examined Parasara's teachings closely, without getting biased by Sri KN Rao's teachings. Give an open-minded consideration to Parasara's teachings.

A budding Vedic astrologer can ignore Parasara at one's own peril!

I did not, do not and will not claim to be an expert in Parasara's teachings. I only know a little and am constantly trying to improve my understanding of the teachings of great Parasara. I made mistakes and passed on incorrect teachings (e.g. drigdasa calculation) in my book and software earlier. When I realize a mistake of mine, I have no qualms accepting it and correcting it. Thus, this is not a question of ego for me. In fact, the knowledge I am arguing for is not mine - it is Parasara's. I am just playing the role of a messenger. All I can tell you based on my own experience is that Parasara deserves to be understood rather than ignored...

*        *        *

BTW, the Chandi homam in our backyard went very well on Saturday. It was a great experience. Towards the end of the homam, one of the burnt logs took the form of a lion's face - one could clearly see the eyes, nose, mouth and even teeth in the log. Several people thought they saw the Mother's shape in the fire riding a lion. At the beginning, when Chandi was invoked, there was a really heavy wind for several seconds. When we had Subrahmanya Trishati Homam last week (prior to Chandi homam), we saw in fire what appeared like a peacock and a snake (

Thanks to all those who sent their best wishes. Some of you wanted the names to be included in sankalpam and we did so.

We have a free Jyotish workshop in Maynard (greater Boston) next weekend, with 4 speakers. All of you are welcome. Our monthly Full Moon night Satya Narayana vratam will be on October 16 night from 6:30 pm (eastern time) at our house in South Grafton, Mass, after the workshop concludes. I plan to do it more elaborately this time than I always do. The priests from the Kalikamba temple in Chennai, who did the Chandi homam, may also be there at the vratam and you can take their blessings. All of you are welcome to attend the vratam and take prasadam. You can send me an email or call 508-839-1218 for directions.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,
Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):
Free Jyotish software (Windows):
Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:

Parasara Chara Dasa in JHL 7.02

From: pvr108 <>
Date: Oct 12, 2005 1:23 PM

> Today I was surprised to see the calculation of
> antardasas in chara dasa (Parasara) as given by
> your software.
> Generally antardasas in a mahadasa starts from
> preceding or succeding sign as the antardasa of
> mahadasa sign itself should come last
That is what Sri KN Rao teaches. That seems to be motivated by the nakshatra dasa paradigm (Vimsottari/Ashtottari).
In "Chara dasa (KN Rao)" option in my software, I faithfully used this method. However, in "Chara dasa (Parasara)" option, it is only fair that I should NOT go by Sri KN Rao's views and instead follow Parasara! Don't you agree?
When teaching Chara dasa and other rasi dasas, Parasara did NOT mention the above approach for finding antardasas.
In fact, why don't you read BPHS again and find out for yourself what antardasa method Parasara recommended for Chara dasa and other rasi dasas?!!
Just for the record, let me mention this: You will get calculations strictly adhering to Sri KN Rao's teachings, if you choose "Chara dasa (KN Rao)".

> Further variable has been introduced by KN Rao (or
> actually perhaps Vemuri ji -- assuming KNR got that particular sub-
> order from his statements and not from personal research) in his
> recommendation to use the swabhukti as the last one. Too bad,
> Parashara did not choose to help out modern minds on that matter.

Nope, Parasara DID choose to help out modern minds on the matter of  bhuktis in Chara dasa.

Parasara gave different chapters for the results of nakshatra dasas,  Kalachakra dasa (navamsa based dasa) and rasi dasas.  Please refer to chapter 50 (in Santhanam version). It is  called "charAdidashAphalAdhyAyaH" (meaning: chapter on the results  of chara etc dasas).

In this chapter, Parasara talks of bhukti (antardasa) calculation.  The relevant lines are reproduced below:

dasheshAkrAMtabhAvarxAdArabhya dvAdasharxakam.h || 90||
bhaktvA dvAdasharAshInAM dashAbhukti prakalpayet.h |

Meaning: Bhuktis are formed by dividing the dasa into 12 parts by  starting from the sign occupied the lord of the dasa sign and going through the twelve signs from there.

Suppose Gemini dasa is running. Suppose Mercury is in Libra. Bhuktis  (antardasas) in Gemini dasa will then go as Li, Sc, Sg, ..., Le, Vi.

That much is clear from Parasara. If somebody is happy with the  researches of somebody else, they may follow some other method. May  God bless them. But Parasara's words are clear enough.

BTW, there are 97 verses in this chapter and they give clear  guidelines on the judgment of Chara dasa and other rasi dasas. If  you read all that, you will discover that what Sri KN Rao taught in  his Chara dasa book is just the tip of the iceberg! Parasara gave  more elaborate methods and also laid a lot of emphasis on dasa  pravesha chakra (period entry chart - available in JHora). This  seems to be totally ignored by Sri KN Rao.

The best resource for understanding Jaimini's teachings better is  not any commentary of Jaimini Sutram by Nilakantha or someone else.  It is not even papers containing readings by Vemuri. It is BPHS.
BPHS is the best resource for understanding several of the parameters and dasas taught by Jaimini in "Jaimini Sutram"!

I honestly feel that the belief held by Sri KN Rao that Parasara and  Jaimini taught two distinct systems hampered his work. He could've  gone much further if he had not ignored Parasara's teachings on so  many techniques normally supposed to form the so-called "Jaimini astrology"!

I look up to him and consider him a great role model. What I say  above is merely an impassionate observation.

> Some years ago, when talking about navamsha or some other varga
> chart, you had indicated on one of the fora how Parashara
> the vargas and other general things and then went on to discuss
> specific rules which could apply to all charts. It certainly
> and was very helpful advice indeed. Thanks for that!

I am glad my humble advice was found to be useful by you!

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Brihaspati Gayatri, Vishwamitra/Gaathina Rishi Rig Veda 6.62.6