Friday, March 18, 2005

Varga scheme to use when and D-60

Reply By Shree PVR Narasimha Rao

Condensed Question by Prasad and Ranjan:

what is being asked perhaps is the underlying rationale behind these groupings:

Shadvarga: D-1 D-2 D-3 D-9 D-12 D-30
Sapta varga: D-1 D-2 D-3 D-7 D-9 D-12 D-30
Dasa varga: D-1 D-2 D-3 D-7 D-9 D-10 D-12 D-16 D-30 D-60
Shodasa varga: D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-7 D-9 D-10 D-12 D-16 D-20 D-24 D-27 D-30 D-40 D-45 D-60.

In the context of judging the strength of raja yogas using vaiseshikamsas, Parasara seems to have exclusively used Dasa varga. In fact,several yogas given in classics employ dasa varga. So, we can conclude that dasa varga is vital in natal horoscopy.

* * *

Regarding when to use which varga scheme, here are my two cents. [Warning: This knowledge is from our tradition and not from any classic.]

Some people suggest that we can choose the varga scheme we like and use it. It does not make sense to me. After all, vimsopaka bala computed as per one varga scheme may show a planet as being strong and another scheme may show it as average. Which one should prevail? Are we to arbitrarily pick a varga scheme when we judge the vimsopaka bala based strength of a planet?

What I was taught is that the varga scheme to be picked depends on the purpose. In horary astrology (prasna), we use only shadvarga. In electional horoscopy (muhurta) and mundane horoscopy, we use sapta varga. In manushya jataka (individual natal horoscopy), we use dasa varga. In raaja jataka (royal horoscopy), we use shodasa varga.

Thus, depending on which horoscopy we are doing, the varga scheme is fixed and we have little choice.

Let us take the example of D-40 and D-45. According to our tradition, they show the karma inherited from the ancestors of parents. Inherited ancestral karma from the maternal side is seen in D-40 and that from the paternal side is seen in D-45.

These charts may be useful in the charts of normal human beings, but they become much more useful in royal horoscopy. Why? Any good or bad karma done by kings are in great magnitudes. One king may have constructed 20 temples and several generations may receive great blessings because of that! One king may have engaged in an unjust war that killed tens of thousands of people. His descendants will suffer the consequences of that evil deed for a few generations!

Thus, D-40 and D-45 are included in shodasa varga and receive importance when we find vimsopaka bala in royal horoscopes. In horoscopes of normal people, they become less important and not used in vimsopaka bala.

As another example, take D-60. This is the chart that shows the past life and the karma carried over from the past life. While rasi chart shows physical existence and other divisional charts show various environments in which one leads one's existence (e.g. financial environment (D-2), professional environment (D-10), spiritual environment (D-20), educational environment (D-24) etc), D-60 shows the left-over karma that is to be experienced. The rasi chart and other divisional charts are merely the medium through which the karma shown in D-60 is experienced. But the karma to be experienced itself is seen from D-60.

Thus, D-60 is an important chart only for human beings. In prasna, muhurta etc, it is not so important. So, when we judge the strength of a planet using vimsopaka bala in prasna and muhurta, we use shadvarga and sapta varga and ignore D-60. But, when we judge the strength of a planet using vimsopaka bala in a natal horoscope, we use dasa varga and the strength in D-60 is used. Not only is the strength in D-60 used, but it gets more weightage than the weightages given to rasi and navamsa together!!! Parasara gives a weightage of 5 for D-60, a weightage of 3 for rasi and a weightage of 1.5 for navamsa. After all, the karma to be experienced itself (D-60) is more important than the physical existence (rasi) and the dharmik environment (navamsa), thru which the karma is to be experienced! Even in royal horoscopy, past karma is important and hence D-60 gets higher strength than rasi and navamsa in shodasa varga too. But the same D-60 is completely missing in shadvarga and sapta varga and I have already given the reason.

You can read the chapter on vimsopaka bala and look at the strengths given to various divisional charts under various varga schemes by Parasara. It will be very instructive to ponder over those numbers!

* * *

Now, ask yourself a simple question. Most of us completely ignore D-60, the chart that received a heigher weightage in Parasara's vimsopaka bala calculation than rasi and navamsa together! Also, when Parasara taught which matters should be seen in which divisional chart, D-60 is the chart in which he recommended seeing "everything" ("shashtyamse(a)khilameekshayet"). All that suggests that this is the most important varga. Why do most of us ignore this chart then? Is it because this chart is sensitive to birthtime changes and lagna changes once in every 2 min? is it because of complacency or simplicity? Can we expect perfect readings and a scientific astrology without being able to fix the birthtime within a 2 minute window? Can shashtyamsa alone make a difference to one's fortune? (BTW, I know one case of twins who have 15 divisional charts other than D-60 matching and only D-60 being different!)

As I always like saying, one who doesn't ask questions never finds the answers!

I'll try to sleep early tonight. Good night!

May Jupiter's light shine on us,

Brihaspati Gayatri, Vishwamitra/Gaathina Rishi Rig Veda 6.62.6